School Yoga

Becky uses her experience as a qualified primary school teacher having worked across Early Years, KS1 and KS2 and within special educational needs environments when creating her yoga classes.

We create a nourishing environment for children to have fun whilst developing strength, coordination, flexibility, balance, concentration and self-esteem.



Our workshops can be designed as an exploration into the benefits of yoga for your pupils, your staff and your school community. We can also focus on something more specific should there be a theme or topic you would are currently covering in your school.


School Clubs

Clubs can be run on a termly basis within a school or other setting.

Learning breath and mindfulness work within the school setting has the potential to feed into all areas of their lives. Yoga benefits such as a quietening and calming the mind and increasing concentration can be taken into the classroom.

Please see What is Children’s Yoga? and What are the Benefits of Children’s Yoga?

If you would like to discuss any aspect of this further, we would be delighted to hear from you.